Masoumeh Nasiri-Kenari

Department of Electrical Engineering

Masoumeh Nasiri-Kenari


Electrical Eng. Dept.

Sharif University of Tech.

Tehran, Iran


Professor Masoumeh Nasiri-Kenari (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, in 1994. Upon her Ph.D. graduation, she joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran, where she is currently a Professor. In 2001, she founded the Wireless Research Laboratory to coordinate research activities in wireless communications, which is now focusing on 6G and molecular communications. She is an Associate Member of the Iranian Academy of Science Engineering Committee/Workgroup and a Member of the WIE Task Group of the Iranian Academy of Science, Tehran. She was the recipient of several awards, including SUT's Distinguished Researcher Award and Distinguished Lecturer Award, Distinguished Scientist of Mazandaran Province, and Distinguished Professor of engineering from the Iranian Academy of Science. She also received the 2022 Hakkak Award from the IEEE Iran Section for outstanding and lifetime contribution to research in Communications Engineering She held the International Research Chair on Nano Communication Networks" from INSF and a Research Grant on Green Communication in Multi-Relay Wireless Networks from the Swedish Research Council, from 2015 to 2017. She was the Editor of IEEE TRANSACTION ON COMMUNICATIONS from 2014 to 2020, and IEEE TRANSACTION ON MOLECULAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND MULTI-SCALE COMMUNICATIONS from 2016 to 2022. She is now the Area Editor of IEEE TRANSACTION ON COMMUNICATIONS.

P.O.Box 11365-9363, Tehran, IRAN

Azadi Ave, Sharif University of Technology, 

Advanced Communications Research Institute,

Wireless Research Lab. (WRL)




Phone: +98-21-66164333

Fax: +98-21-66165994


(Updated 15 June 2023)